A friend on Facebook recently posted this image and it made me stop and think. She had seen it hanging in a coffee shop and snapped a shot of it on her phone, and it stopped and made her think too. My hope is that by passing the message along, it might stop and make you think as well.
I have suffered many a relational loss in my life. Friends have come and gone. Lovers have left. Family has fallen away. But the truth remains that the people who cling to you, the people that are here now are here for a reason. They might walk out of your life later, and if they do, no matter what happened before, bid them ado. Because we’ve got to focus on what’s going on in front of us and not harbor regret or ill feelings for the past. The people that matter most, are going to be there. And the ones that walk off, served their purpose. Learn from those relationships and learn to let them go.
And always, keep moving forward along your own path. Keep focus on your own stride. And just keep walking.
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Stephanie Erichsen - Great message. I like this perspective, very positive. Even tho it may not be evident at the time it is happening, the people who decide to walk out of our lives, it will take time, maybe months or years to realize that it was for the better.