Problem Solving Craftiness | Orange Photographer

I’ve never been one of those scrap booking, craft making, create something of nothing typa chicks. I just can’t seem to create by painting wood or pinning pictures or gluing fabric onto mason jars.

My craftiness tends to come out more in problems that need to be solved or obstacles that need to be overcome. That’s actually one of the things I love most about photography: there is almost always a problem that needs to be solved. So often the lighting is strange, the backgrounds are busy or the strobe goes out and it needs to be repositioned, the transmission needs to be reworked, batteries need to be changed or it must be bypassed altogether. There are constantly changing factors that factor into image creation and so often we photographers are forced to find a quick fix. I love the adventure of it all.

On a family adventure earlier this year in Greece and Italy, a quick fix was quickly in order. We were on our way to St. Peter’s Basilica, and silly me forgot about the covered shoulder rule inside the church. I had worn this outfit on our day’s excursion:


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“Let’s go buy you a scarf,” my mom said. Thinking of the beautiful scarf I had bought in Rome last year, my frugal sense got the best of me and immediately my crafty skills set in. “No, I have an idea,” I replied as we rounded the corner out of the guards’ site. I pulled up my skirt, took of my shirt and tied myself into a more modest and conservative situation. We turned right back around and cruised past the guards without a second glance. Success!


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So you see, craftiness comes in all shapes and sizes, as does adventure. And though I may not be able to do much with a paintbrush or a hot glue gun, I got most problem-solving craftiness covered. Get out of my way obstacles: I WILL OVERCOME YOU. And stylishly so, if I do say so myself.


PS–I promise more images from our September adventures will be coming soon. You Lovato lovers have been asking. I will deliver.

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