As artists, we tend to find ourselves in slumps. I’m not quite certain how much of it has to do with our constant search for stimulation and growth and that silly sister Perfectionism that seems to go with it, or how much could be the darkness that we battle on the inside. Whatever the cause of the sinking, it’s hard to climb out when it happens.
For me it’s more often the former than the latter, and that constant search wears me out more than I’d like to admit. I’m always wanting more, seeking more, doing more, so much that I made a goal this year to ‘say no more.’ But I need more! Life is way too rich and beautiful to sit still and let it pass me by. I want to reach out and touch it, taste, and experience it all. I want to bring it all in, cry it all out and take this big bad world in my arms and hold it up. But instead it has a tendency to bring me down.
I think the artist in me feels that by expanding and doing more, I’ll be able to create more. I yearn to show people the world as beautiful as I see it, and I aim to do that through my art. That constant search keeps me moving closer to this goal…
And sometimes that means grabbing my camera and a friend and facing that darkness together on a midnight stroll. In a leotard. In a fountain. And when we find what we’re looking for, or when we don’t, we splash around and laugh. Always laugh. It’s the easiest way to lift from the slumps.
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