Sometimes I feel a little disrespectful when a mother or father is talking about one of their children and I can’t help but say ‘My dog does the same thing!,’ or ‘That happens all the time with Chloe!‘ :: sheepish smile ::
But respectfully, my dog is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. It was totally random that we came together, and getting a dog was not something I had ever planned or premeditated by any stretch. It was a spur of the moment decision that landed me with the greatest teacher, friend and lover I’ve ever known.
You see, Chloe is 100% dependent on me. I’ve never known such responsibility. Chlos Puff is 100% in love with me. I’ve never experienced such devotion. This schmeedly schmaddle is always there for me and constantly aware of me and I’ve never felt such understanding. The Chlos du Bois is 90% obedient to me (She is her mother’s daughter, after all. She’s gotta push the limits sometimes.) I’ve never had such control. Yet, I recognize her life span is just a fraction of mine, and that anything can happen at any time and I’ve become super conscious of savoring each moment.
I know that children are an entirely different ball game and the learning and loving and friending will bring a completely different level of understanding later in life when I take on that mother role. But Chloe is my little girl now and my life is so rich and so full because of her presence in it.
So in honor of savoring the moment, I called up the ever fabulous Lauren of JL Photographers to photograph myself and the poodle puff. Because life is happening now. And I think it rather important to have some beautiful photographs of myself and the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Don’t you think?
Be sure to check out Lauren’s post with more images on her site, here.
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Abbie - this is great! you both look amazing, as usual! is it weird that sometimes your beauty takes my breath away Miss J?