Phew! What a week! By the weekend’s end, I’ll have completed 11 shoots, 6 meetings, 3 dinner dates <3, 2 training sessions and 1 surprise rendezvous with an out of town friend. Like, whatttt??? How did life suddenly get so cray?
I’ll tell you! It’s because I think it. I decided this year was going to be a positive one, a progressive and productive one and that I was going to do more and love it all. And so it has become.
I believe strongly in the power of the mind. You are what you think, after all. So here’s what I think:
• we should take good care of our bodies, starting with what we put in it. healthy consumption people. think about what you’re bringing in.
• we should focus on the people we love most, and nurture those relationships and be supportive of their needs. think about others.
• we should put good energy and effort into our work. if you’re stuck in a job you don’t really like, try to change your attitude. think positively.
• we should be mindful of creation and the Creator. the more we stop to appreciate, the more blessings we begin to see. think to rejoice in it.
You are what you think! And today I think I’m a busy lady that is super blessed with way too much of life’s beauty.
Aaaand because every post is better with an image, here’s some of life’s beauty captured in headshots last week. More to come from this sesh soon.
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Abigail Ann - The ever-beautiful and insightful Jackie Lovato! <3 <3 <3.