I’ve known Gretchen and Rupert for 6 years now, and not as awesomely as I feel I should. Let me explain.
We worked together at ZUMA Press and Rupert was one of the IT guys. So naturally, I talked to him daily with a gazillion dumb questions constantly. He always had an answer, quickly and happily. Throughout her time and mine with ZUMA, Gretchen did a number of things. She was kind of like super woman with a heart to help, doing a thousand things at once for ZUMA while still taking time out to work with me with on a school assignment in the midst of her own gargantuan work+school+real life to-do list. This was a couple I thought highly of for sure.
So we worked together. We hung out some together. Went to a few parties together. But after documenting their wedding last Saturday, I feel like I’ve seen a side of Gretchen and Rupert that I wish I would have known years ago.
Gretchen is sweet. Open. Honest. Down to earth yet flying high on ideas and dreams and constant creativity every step of the way.
Rupert is strong. Deep. Kind. The kind that isn’t afraid to be who he is and love how he knows and stay true to him and his woman in every which way.
This past weekend I saw Rupert look at Gretchen in way I’d never noticed before. I saw her lean into him in a way that made me realize the beauty of a love like theirs. A love that is unique yet simple, true yet free, forever yet always right now…
Gretchen and Rupert, thank you so much for opening up to me and trusting me to document your night. After ten years we can finally say Mr. and Mrs. Rupert and Gretchen Harwood! And I’m so happy to be able to say I was there to see you tie that fantastic f!*(#ing knot.
proud parents 🙂
the partaayyyyy (or life thereof)
I don’t know why that guy’s holding those flowers… 😉
best. kiss. ever.
besties saying the bestest…
so effing tender I wanna cry…
uh yea, he totally chopped it with a sword. i’m obsessed.
woot! dance your pants off!!
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CobyLyn - Beautiful Jackie! I love your story and your photographer eye. A wedding and couple I will never forget!
Web Maestro Clay - Um… Wow!? Those are rockin’ shots! You should be a photographer!
Oh wait! You are…
Fabulous pictures of a fabulous bride and groom! And now my wife Kimberly, can finally see what a beautiful wedding it was.
Congratulations again! It was so nice to be a part of it!
Lina - What a beautiful captured ceremony! I was deeply honored to have been there. Thank you for taking such lovely photographs, and for staying to enjoy the party!