I am a lifestyle photographer. I work best in ambient light with subjects who are open to opening themselves to my camera and I. I work best opening up to real life. My best work comes from outdoor sessions when the breeze whispers through our hair and the sun kisses our shoulders and there’s laughter and excitement and truth. It’s honest imagery. And that’s what works best for me.
But sometimes I’ll get a call to go grab a headshot of this CEO, or a portrait of that board member, or a quick shot of a new client that is dealing with this new thing. Corporate stuff. With busy people. Who don’t have time to listen to the breeze or accept kisses from the sun. They have corner offices with windows. They have coffee in their car and lunch at their desk. That’s how it works best for them.
Because we don’t always have time for breeze convo or sun sweetness isn’t to say that fabulous imagery isn’t possible though. It’s fabulous when walk into an awesome venue like the Key Club, with a really rad production manager like Josh, with the backing of my fabulous client and creative director Gabe and know it’s going to be a synch to get a bangin’ portrait in no time at all.
Exhibit A.
We had about 15 minutes to set up and about 15 minutes to shoot here and we’re all happy with what we got.
A quick post on quick portraits seemed relevant today…as I’ve only got time for quickness these next two weeks. As some of you may recall, a Lovato Images Groupon deal that ran six months ago expires on June 7, so Lovato Images is totally slammed with all the Grouponers trying to get their session in before expiration. Please be patient with me as I have very little office time in the next few weeks and beyond a gazillion portrait sessions, I will probably only be focusing on trying not to pull my hair out. That’s how it’s going to work best for me (until June 7!).
Rooz - this is awesome!!! so we now have a key club connection right? 😉