At the beginning of 2011 I made a goal to read 24 books. After reading 18, I didn’t quite hit it but I still feel great! Because I can make the same goal again for 2012!
I’m going to change it slightly though, and say ‘read 24 books, five of which must come from my shelf.’ BOOM. I have like two shelves full of books I haven’t yet read…okay, maybe one and a half…but still! I keep collecting and my archive is getting backlogged. So I’ll be aiming for 24 again, but five of them must be in my possession already. 😛
In 2010, my goal was ‘read more.’ I found it helped to specify the goal with a number this year, as I definitely read more in 2010, but have no idea exactly how much. Also, in 2010 my reading was dominated by books on business and personal development which is great. However, I found myself more motivated and stimulated by mixing in some memoirs and fun fiction. Sometimes business writing can be a bit dry and changing it up this year really helped me move through.
What’s one of your goals for this year?
Aaannd in case you are wondering which 18 I read, here’s the list:
Little Bee
All Marketers are liars Tell Stories
Content Rules
To Kill a Mockingbird
Values Based Financial Planning
Thanks for Coming
Date or Soulmate
One Thousand Gifts
A Woman’s Worth
A Return to Love
Facing East
The 4 Hour Work Week
Farenheit 451
The Jesus Prayer
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