Wrapping up the year

As the dust settles from a stupendous final weekend of an over the top month, I find myself counting my blessings even more so than I made time to do last week. Even when the tough gets going, I’m conscious that my life is rich beyond measure. I try and keep that wealth in the forefront of my mind, but it’s not always easy.

Life gets hard, man. This year started out fucking awful. And yea, that adjective needs that adjective (sorry Mom). I’m impressed I made it through but at the same time not really cause I somehow always do. It’s the somehows I’m counting now: my partner, a few real friends, several deep conversations, countless doses of nourishment from food, spirituality and wine and the priceless stability I have with my family behind me. No matter how murky the waters get, I’ve got such an incredible base to keep me swimming.

So I’ll keep swimming. Whether it’s in some muddy waters, a glimmering great lake or a fat bowl of leftover gravy, it’s all gravy baby. I’m one fortunate chick and I’m going to keep this thankfulness going all season long! Happy holidays, guys! Let’s wrap up this year with some beautiful bows!



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