The Intern

Erica is an enthusiastic, hard working and faithful young woman. She’s experienced a lot in her short life, but has done so with cognizance and self reflection so her education seems to far surpass the pieces of paper she holds. She’s introspective, passionate and full of zeal. Her ability to focus and go after her goals is inspiring. I look forward to seeing where she goes as she kicks off her photography career.

These are all things I have learned about Erica in the last 15 weeks. Short chunk of time in the scheme of things, but not too short to understand what she stands for.

She came to me this summer requesting an internship with Lovato Images. Not the first inquiry of its kind nor my first feelings of reluctance for such a petition, but for some reason I entertained the idea and I’m glad I did. As we wrap up this semester and she finishes up her photography program to venture out into the world as a real photographer 😛 – I’m happy to no longer call her an intern, but now a friend.


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