Orange Photographer | Seeking Change with a New Story

As an artist, I am constantly seeking opportunities to grow and expand and nourish my creative soul. There is so much beauty out there that stimulates me in so many different ways; I am always wanting to see, feel and know more of it. So lately I’ve been working on some personal projects to facilitate more for these needs.

So this project started out with a bunch of Chinese lanterns conveniently hanging in my backyard. I had lent some time and talent to a friend for a personal shoot of her own, and with the glorious globes lit up that night, I knew I had to take advantage of the gorgeous natural light. But how? I had to think fast, because my friend wanted the lanterns back that weekend, so I put out a post on Facebook to see what I could find.

And in searching for a female to photograph, I found three! A 4 year old, a 24 year old and a 44 year old all volunteered to model for my personal project that hadn’t yet breached conception. So with the addition of three more minds to my now gestating project, I began to develop the story…

What story do you see told here?


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