Jewelry is an extended expression of who we are. Angela of Dulce Designs knows this and lives this more than any individual I know. She creates eclectic and unique designer jewelry from objects one might not think to wear: a map made into beads, an old coin strung into a bracelet or a 9mm bullet shell hung from the ear. Her expressions speak life; her jewelry begets art.
I met Angela on a medical mission we both journeyed to Africa for and have come to know her since. We’ve done a few shoots together and the more I get to know Angela, the more I love. She’s a true artist, one who is inspired by textures and textiles and touch and teachings and everything between. Angela creates wherever she goes and I love that about her.
So her jewelry is now available in a location near you! Start your holiday shopping now! Find her Dulce Designs at Rumble Ruse The Lab in Costa Mesa. Email her or call 714.732.7665 for more details.
I filed this under ‘photography tips’ because my photography tip for you today is to spruce yourself up with some Dulce Designs for your next shoot! 😉
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